
Category: Awards

Keep up to date with the latest news and information from Musoni.

MLF Zambia Wins the MFI 2023 Top Impact Award – Africa

MLF Zambia Wins the MFI 2023 Top Impact Award – Africa

We congratulate MLF Zambia on their exceptional achievement of winning the MFI 2023 Top Impact Award – Africa. This prestigious…
VIRL Financial Services wins the Most Rural Outreach award

VIRL Financial Services wins the Most Rural Outreach award

Musoni System is proud to announce that our customer VIRL Financial Services, has been awarded the Most Rural Outreach MFI…
Zibuko Capital wins the Most Digitised MFI Award in Zimbabwe

Zibuko Capital wins the Most Digitised MFI Award in Zimbabwe

Massive congratulations to Zibuko Capital who won the Most Digitised MFI Award, in 2021 by the Zimbabwe Association of Microfinance…
Hayman Microfinance wins fastest growing MFI in Myanmar 2020

Hayman Microfinance wins fastest growing MFI in Myanmar 2020

Congratulations to Hayman Microfinance for being recognised as the fastest growing MFI in Myanmar in the prestigious “Global Banking &…
Musoni announced as InclusiveFintech50 Winner

Musoni announced as InclusiveFintech50 Winner

MetLife Foundation and Visa, with partners Accion and IFC, launch inaugural list to help fintech companies attract capital and resources…
Musoni presented with the BBVA Open Talent Award at IIF Conference in Washington

Musoni presented with the BBVA Open Talent Award at IIF Conference in Washington

Sander van der Heijden, Musoni’s co-founder and CTO, accepts the BBVA Open Talent Award at the Institute of International Finance…

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